Connecting The Local Church On A Global Level
PPM exists to build up, encourage, and assist the local Church in serving and reaching theircommunities for Christ.
As an interdenominational ministry, we seek to celebrate the variety of the Church while leveraging what binds us together as followers of Jesus Christ.
There is no more powerful example of God’s love to a community than when His people come together to serve and advance the Gospel, all in the name of Jesus
Genuine Partnerships
We believe in the local Church. This is our mission base. Each of our teams are partnered alongside local ministries to encourage and assist them in serving their communities during their mission trip.
Long-Term Relationships.
Our heart is to be wholly invested in the communities we serve. Your team will have the opportunity to build lasting relationships on your mission trip with local churches and ministries by serving alongside them throughout the week.
Sustainable Ministry
We remain under the authority and direction of the local Church to ensure each mission trip has a lasting impact. Our fully customized approach aligns your team’s gifts with the needs and initiatives of local ministries.
Houston, TX Mission Trips
Though Houston has one of the largest populations of any city in the US, serving there has the feel of a much smaller city. A truly global city paired with laid-back Southern hospitality and warmth makes Houston an ideal location for your next mission trip.
When Hurricane Harvey hit the area in 2017, several churches in the area that had previously sent teams through PPM on mission trips reached out for help, asking us to come to serve in their communities to address the unprecedented damage and decimation. In coming alongside these churches and communities in the wake of the storm, we found true partners and amazing ministry that is continuing long after the most pressing storm recovery needs.

One Way Youth Ministry is called to go be the Light by Teaching the WORD, by Sharing the Gospel to all, and by Sharing the Love of God the way God Loves us. We do this by answering the call to “GO” as we receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon us, and we will be his witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth including in our own backyard and in our local community.
We do this by Building Friendships, which turn into Relationships, which turns into Trust so we can then Share the Love of God. This allows us to Share His message of the Gift that is waiting for each and every one of us to have eternal life with God as well as make Disciples who will then GO and make more Disciple to Grow the Kingdom of our Father in Heaven.
One Way Youth Ministry stops at No Borders or Boundaries to Share what God calls us to do …” GO and Be the Light as we Share the Gospel to those who do not know our Father as their Personnel Savior
One Way Youth Ministry has been blessed to travel to Big Laurel Ky, Assateague Island VA, Pulaski VA, Atlantic City NJ, Somers Point NJ, Pine Grove PA, Allentown PA, Fayette County WV, New Mexico, Hagerstown Md, Mandeville Jamaica, and in our local community in Chambersburg PA. for a total of 27 mission trips.
One Way Youth Ministry Purpose to go on mission trips: In same way, let your light shine before others, so that[ they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven (Matthew 5:16) and Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)

Our ministry during this trip will be serving and working alongside Laurel Missions in Big Laure Kentucky with Nathan & Lindsey Boggs
The 2021 Laurel Mission Trip will take place over the dates of
July 12th 2021 – July 17th, 2021
and the cost of this year’s trip is $300 per person. Seems like a lot of money, but we are hopeful that the people of our church here at Salem UB, Family & Friends will give sacrificially in order to make this trip a reality. We will, however, require everyone who goes to make a $100 investment toward the cost of this trip to be paid by April 7th, 2021
(Financial aid could be available upon request)
We are very Thankful that each and every one of you feel as though God has called each one of you in this direction. Please complete the attached sheets and return them to Daryl “Slugg” Kissinger by
Wednesday March 17th, 2021. This trip is open to everyone involved in One Way Youth Ministry (6th to 12th grade). We’re excited about being used by God in Kentucky.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Daryl “Slugg” Kissinger via email (daryl@salemub.org) or at my Cell 1-717-816-9517 .This is an awesome opportunity to be God’s hands and feet in Kentucky.
Any questions,please contact Slugg2020 TEAM MEETINGS We will have Seven (7) team meetings before the trip which will include meeting as a group for fundraising events, prayer, trip information, team building activities, fellowship and family get-togethers (where members invite their families to meet other team members and get to know one another better) plus one meeting when we return from our Mission Trip. Parents and Families are always invited to all meetings except Team buildings
- 2020 Future 5 Meetings: Future Meetings will start at 1:30pm and 3:30pm
Pre-Trip Meeting #1: March 1,2020
Pre-Trip Meeting #2: April 5,2020
Pre-Trip Meeting #3: May 3,2020
Pre-Trip Meeting #4: June 7,2020
Post-Trip Meeting #5: July 12,2020
Important Dates to be aware of:
March 8 ,2020: $100 Down Payment Due (Extended from Jan 31,2020)
May 9,2020: Cake & Pie Auction @ Salem UB Church

1 W.Y.M Making The Press for a Mission Outreach in 2018
1 W.Y.M.Partnering with

Pre-Trip Meeting #2: January 13:CANCELED DUE TO WEATHER
Pre-Trip Meeting #3: February 10th
Pre-Trip Meeting #4: March 10th(TEAM BUILDING)
Pre-Trip Meeting #5: April 14th
Pre-Trip Meeting #6: May 19th (TEAM BUILDING)
Important Dates to be aware of:
January 30 ,2019: $100 Down Payment Due
April 3 ,2019: Passports Need to be turned in on or before
May 11,2019: Cake & Pie Auction @ Salem UB Church

One Way Youth 2018 Mission Trip: Mandeville JAMAICA

J-Team Pre-Trip Day #5 Devotion “GO M.A.D. & PLEASE GOD” Galatians 6:12 Those who want to impress people by means of the flesh are trying to compel you to be circumcised. The only reason they do this is to avoid being persecuted for the cross of Christ.
J-Team Pre-Trip Day #4 Devotion “GO M.A.D. & SACRIFICE. Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Reflect and comment about the following question ….What are some Sacrifices others have made so that I can be part of this upcoming Mission Trip ? J-Team Pre-Trip Day #3 Devotion “GO M.A.D. & SHARE”. Numbers 10:32 If you come with us, we will share with you whatever good things the Lord gives us.” Reflect and comment about the following question ….During the mission trip God wants me to SHARE my life and abilities with others by …. J-Team Pre-Trip Day #2 Devotion “GO M.A.D. & DO GOOD” Timothy 6:18: Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. Reflect and comment about the following question …. Some of the good I’m looking forward to doing on our mission trip includes …. Today is the day Folks. J-Team Pre Trip Day #1 Devotion “GO M.A.D.& GO” Hebrews 13:16. Reflect with us on why YOU Choose to GO on this mission trip :

6-11-2018 FYI:
This Sunday we will be prayed for at the end of the 8:30am service around 9:20am and at the beg.of the 11:00am service.Please wear our blue trip shirts.
Meeting Dates & Special Dates to Attend
1/31: $100 Down payment for trip is due.
2/4: Mandatory Trip Meeting #2: 12:15 to 3pm CANCELED
3/18: Mandatory Trip Meeting #3: 12:15 to 3pm.Team Picture Day
4/1: All Passports & Birth Certificates are due on or before 4/1 to Mindy
4/8: Mandatory Trip Meeting #4: 12:15 to 3pm
5/6: Mandatory Trip Meeting #5: 12:15 to 3pm
5/12: Mandatory Cake & Pie Auction
5/31: Outstanding balance for trip must be paid by 5/31

2 Mission Trips Broaden Perspectives.
3.Mission Trips Challenge Comfort Zones. Beyond broadening perspectives, mission trips demand that teenagers participate. Painting a house, playing with kids, serving a meal, sleeping on an air mattress, experiencing a new culture – these are a few examples of ways comfort zones are crossed. But when coupled with intentional processing and worship, mission trips have the unique ability to challenge students’ comfortable perceptions of God and the world. Faith steps beyond the doors of the church and demands to be applied to real-world living. 4.Mission Trips Empower Students.