(Building #3 on the Salem Campus)
Youth CONNECT 5-21-2023
Old Testament Heroes (Women)
The lessons in this series are designed to apply to all students. These lessons challenge the assumptions of our society by both women and men with the truth of God.
5-21-2023 Lesson #1 Miriam: Woman of Worship:
Study of the Old Testament Hero, Miriam
5-28-2023 Lesson 2 – Rahab: Woman Of Righteousness
True belief in God will affect the way in which we live our lives.
6-18-2023 Lesson 3 – Ruth: Woman of Loyalty
Loyal friends are a gift from God.
6-25-2023 Lesson 4 – Esther: Woman of Courage
Rise up! This matter is in your hands. You’ll be supported, so take courage and do something!
Ezra 10:4
7-2-2023 Lesson 5 – You Woman Of Godliness
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised!
Proverbs 31:3