This page is dedicated to the most important people to me and the staff at
One Way Youth Ministry
You guys make a difference here at
One Way Youth Ministry
cause you make sure you get your kids here for Events ,Activities , and most importantly so they grow in their Faith.
At any time you can send me a note below and I will be posting things that will help grow us,Grow our kids in their walk for Christ, and Things that may interest you on things that will help you just in life generally.
Hope you enjoy and always remember that I’m always interested in hearing from you guys.
If you have questions or would like to contact me just fill out the Contact Form at the bottom of this form and i will get back to as soon as I can.
God Bless You
4349 Letterkenny Road Chambersburg Pa 17201
Church email:salemub.org Church Phone Number: 717-263-4123